As much as I hate packing, I find moving fun and exciting. It's another change and another adventure that I get to experience with the person I love. I am so thankful that we have got to experience all of these "moves" together. I really feel like we have grown so much and learned more about ourselves, each other, and God in each location we have lived. We have moved for different reasons each time and I can say without a doubt that the first move was the hardest but I grew so much and I am a much stronger person than I was 3 years ago! I'm really looking forward to this move next month because we will be living in an apartment which is a place I have never lived in before, so it should be interesting. That's all for now! Here are some pictures of some of our past moves!
Moving day. Illinois to Perry, Georgia.
Bentley posing in our basement home in Perry, GA.
Taking Bentley for walks along the golf course
Valentine's Day in Georgia
Disney World! Orlando, FL